
To develop on prereceivecli:

# The following commands require pipenv as a dependency

# To lint the project

# To execute the testing

# To create a graph of the package and dependency tree

# To build a package of the project under the directory "dist/"

# To see the package version

# To bump semantic versioning [--major|--minor|--patch]
_CI/scipts/ --major|--minor|--patch

# To upload the project to a pypi repo if user and password are properly provided

# To build the documentation of the project

To use prereceivecli in a project:

The convention is that dynamodb holds a table with the name {parent_project}_git_hook and entries like

{u'protected_items': [{u'hashes': [sha1_hash],
                       u'name': <NAME>,
                       u'type': <file | directory>}],
u'slug': <PROJECT_NAME>})

So a group in gitlab called “code” with a project called “super-secret” would need an entry in dynamodb in a table called “code_git_hook” and an entry like

{u'protected_items': [{u'hashes': ['asdfsfahjsfdhfhh134h234h23ghhhhqe3rh'],
                       u'name': '_CI',
                       u'type': 'directory'}],
u'slug': 'super-secret'}

if one wanted to protect the _CI directory of the project from tampering.

At least python3.6 is required.

pip install prereceivecli

# make system directory for configuration
sudo mkdir /etc/prereceive

# copy over the logging.json from the project
sudo cp /usr/local/lib/{PYTHON_VERSION_HERE}/site-packages/prereceivecli/conf/logging.json /etc/prereceive/logging.json

# create the calling script as "root"
cat <<EOF > /etc/prereceive/pre-receive_active

/usr/local/bin/pre-receive -l /etc/prereceive/logging.json \
                           -w "${SLACK_WEB_HOOK}" \
                           -s "${AWS_SECRET}" \
                           -k "${AWS_KEY}"  \
                           -r "${AWS_REGION}" \

# give access to git user to the directory
sudo chown -R git.git /etc/prereceive

# setup logging directory and give appropriate permissions
sudo mkdir /var/log/prereceive
sudo chown git.git /var/log/prereceive

# create the actuall git hook script by linking to the appropriate directory.
# if the location is wrong for you please consult the appropriate documentation for your installation.
sudo mkdir -p /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell/hooks/pre-receive.d
sudo ln -s /etc/prereceive/pre-receive_active /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell/hooks/pre-receive.d/pre-receive_active